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:: Ethical Principles of Psychologists ::
 | Post date: 2021/12/27 | 

Ethical principles of publishing an article: 

The following ethical considerations must be observed by all authors:


  1. Be sure to mention the institutions that have received financial support for the research.
  2. Authors should not have any fake information, whether raw or processed in their submission. The editor of the journal can request the author of the article to provide raw data at any stage of the article review.
  3. Scientific honesty must be observed by all authors. Any use of previous sources, whether published or not, should be cited by the authors in the original work.
  4. No manifestation of ethnic, cultural, national, sexual, identity, age, linguistic, or medical discrimination could be found in the work. Otherwise the effect will be rejected in the first step.
  5. All authors must have the consent of the participants in their research. Likewise, the protection of participants' personal rights as well as their personalization of identity must be carefully considered by the authors.
  6. Researchers should inform research participants about the following: (1) the purpose of the research, the duration of the research and the research method; (2) their right not to participate in all research sessions or to withdraw from research after commencement; (3) the anticipated consequences of not participating in or withdrawing from all research sessions; (4) rationally anticipated factors that affect their willingness to participate in research, such as the likelihood of danger, discomfort, or adverse effects; (5) future benefits of this research; (6) Restrictions on confidentiality; (7) incentives to participate in research; And (8) provide opportunities to answer participants' questions about research and their rights.
  7.  In clinical trials, the names of participants and hospitals should not be mentioned, especially in pictures, and consent should be obtained from participants.
  8. If your article contains material from other sources, you should cite the original source in your article. In general, obtaining a license from the copyright holder to reproduce certain materials and equipment and sending a copy of the license letter with the manuscript to the editor of the journal is the responsibility of the author.
  9. Authors are responsible for identifying and reporting conflicting interests that may lead to bias in their work. In multicenter studies, the agreement of the researchers of the centers should be attached. In studies supported by private companies, mentioning the provisions of the agreement and the editor's judgment will be decisive. The authors of the article should mention all the financial support and personal communication subject to the conflict of interest in the thank you section.

10. Obtaining the code of ethics from the research ethics committee of prestigious universities and scientific centers is mandatory for research projects, dissertations and graduate dissertations from which the submitted article is taken, and the code of ethics and the date of obtaining it must be included in the article.

11. In order to maintain the principles of publishing ethics, peer-to-peer software is used in the judging process.

12. The judges need to consider the following:

12.1.                Contribute to the decision of the editorial board

12.2.                Speed

12.3.                Confidentiality of information

12.4.                Arbitration by presenting scientific and transparent documents and arguments

12.5.                Funds to the sources used in the article

12.6.                Lack of judging articles for personal purposes 

Clinical health psychology is the scientific relationship between scientists' behavioral, emotional, cognitive, social, and biological aspects of health and disease in order to:

 1. Maintain and promote health

2. Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of disease and disability

3. Improving the health care system

The main center of clinical health psychology (also called behavioral medicine, medical psychology and psychosomatic medicine), on the level of physical and emotional illness; Understand and change overlapping challenges 

Professional knowledge: 

Clinical health psychology has evolved as a field of clinical knowledge and work with foundations in the health sciences. Clinical health psychology requires a broad understanding of biology, pharmacology, anatomy, human physiology, pathophysiology, and psychoneuroimmunology. 

Target problems: 

Clinical health psychologists have knowledge in the areas of learning, memory, perception, cognition and motivation to:

  1. Change illness behaviors (such as weight, smoking, treatment adherence).
  2. Affect physical illnesses, injuries, and disabilities (such as the onset and response to illness or injury). Skills and processes used: 

Clinical health psychologists use a wide range of processes including assessment, diagnostic consultation with the health care team including family, and various psychotherapy approaches and techniques in the context of physical illness and health promotion. Skilled in research methods and conceptualization, clinical health psychologists also conduct research.

Target population: 

Clinical health psychology targets more chronic diseases, including AIDS, cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, and diabetes. In addition, clinical health psychologists examine and treat patients with acute health problems (such as surgery, organ transplants, painful procedures).

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روانشناسی سلامت بالینی clinical health psychology
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